For the 13th birthday of the Gängeviertel we are doing ::FLASH DAYS:: again!! On Friday and Saturday (Aug 26+27), we'll have smaller designs for you to choose from for a soli price (50-70€). All cash will be donated to ROSA e.V., a non-profit organization that uses a converted truck to provide a safe space for women fleeing.

Starting May 22nd we are allowed to tattoo in Hamburg again! The new regulations require that a negative test result must be shown, which is not older than 12 hours before your appointment.

Finally! We now have tattoo vouchers for you - perfect as a birthday present for a good friend.

We prepared different smaller tattoo designs (see below), which you can get tattooed on the 11th birthday of the Gängeviertel.

Outside The Lines - Tattoocollective
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